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May 16, 20163 min read
7 tips to successful software adoption
One of the things we are proudest of at IDU Software is the high level of successful software adoption our clients experience within...

May 3, 20163 min read
Sanlam Investments Invests in IDU Software
Sanlam Investments is one of South Africa’s largest investment management companies and has been around for almost a century. They offer...

Nov 9, 20155 min read
IDU impresses Cape Consumers
Cape Consumers (Pty) Ltd was founded in 1947 and is a registered Credit Provider in terms of the National Credit Act. Using the combined...

Sep 14, 20152 min read
Your questions answered on the implementation process
So you’ve made the decision to move from spreadsheets to specialised software. We gave you a few tips on what to consider when choosing...
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