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Oct 15, 20193 min read
Remove drama from budget cycles
Nobody has ever written an opera about organisational budget cycles – but given the amount of human drama they generate, perhaps someone...

Feb 13, 20183 min read
In 2018, consider the cost of doing nothing
Depending on your outlook, my column last month would either have exhilarated or terrified you. And whether you are champing at the bit,...

Jan 16, 20183 min read
End-of-year reviews: Pass me my crystal ball
End-of-year reviews used to make sense. They are a bit of a chore, but ultimately useful, and, if things have gone well during the year,...

Oct 6, 20163 min read
Budgeting vs Planning
CORPORATE PLANNING (BUDGETING) So why would I think of corporate planning as operational? Well, l largely because it drives the immediate...

May 19, 20143 min read
Forecasting in life and business
Forecasting in all things is a delicate balance between what we know and what we can learn, and it is used to guide us and help us plan...

May 5, 20142 min read
Alerting you to the power of alerts
It is all fine and well that you have embraced the shift in managing budgets by getting input from your staff from all levels of your...
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